We create powerful, transformational learning experiences which really change the way people feel, think and act. Our training increases people's self-awareness, self confidence and personal effectiveness so that they are empowered to take control of themselves and their lives, both inside and outside of work.
Whether it's helping people to overcome their fears and deal confidently with the challenges of their job, increasing their personal resilience, giving them practical tools to improve their communication and interpersonal skills, or helping them find new ways of thinking about and doing things, we create a safe, positive learning environment and use proven tools and techniques to help people learn, develop and grow.
Our personal development courses include:
Our transformational Leading For Good programme
Essential Skills for Managing People
Leading and Developing Teams
Personal Effectiveness
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Building Successful Relationships
Presentation and Public Speaking Skills
Creativity and Creative Thinking
Assertiveness and Confidence Development
Personal Resilience
Understanding and Managing Stress
Many of our programmes incorporate the use of TetraMap to help people understand themselves and others, to open minds, and release potential.
"Thank you for a wonderful enlightening day. I took away a great deal from the workshop and feel immense changes have happened even in the small time that has elapsed.
Belinda Wells
"I went home very inspired and chilled out . I particularly gained insight into identifying my values, focusing on a goal, support from others (and giving to others), support for self (enjoyed the de-stress at the end) and letting go of things which I cannot control. Really lively day and it went very quickly." Deborah Howells, Creating Excellence
"I learnt so much and my presentations will be far far better after your help - it took me out of my comfort zone and made me look at things with a fresh eye and has given me a big confidence boost generally." Richenda Oldham, ROPR